How would I go about making a game automatically update/change every season? (winter, autumn, summer... etc.)

I am currently working on a singleplayer game that will one day have a full release in which I will not update it anymore, but I still want it to feel alive:

I want to make it so stuff like the map, for example, dinamically changes every season (snowy on winter, lots of leaves on autumn… etc.) or even have season-specific stuff to do.

How would I accomplish something like that?
(Note that the game frequently rejoins you, so something like a check when the player joins would work well enough)


I think there’s a way to check the current time. If you can do that, then you should be able to change the season automatically by disabling/enabling different aspects of each season (depending on the time)

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And if, let’s say, I get a way to get the current UNIX Time; how would I make the script identify each season?

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You could check what month it is with tonumber("%m"))


I would recommend you to update the map manually, as long as you can, because when joining the game, it would need to check the time and edit the environment which, dependent on the size and quality of your map, can cause performance issues and I would always try to make a game ellegible for low end devices. If you update it manually, the game already has all the objects and has to load way less.

But if you have a particular reason for it you should just try to use ServerSotrage to save all the different season maps, then check the current time which shouldn’t be that hard and then load the matching map out of serverstorage.


Could you show me an example of how you’d detect winter, for example?

local Month = tonumber("%m"))

if Month >= 12 or Month <= 3 then
	print("it's winter")

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