How would I go about making a lobby system?

Hello Developers!
Recently, I’ve wanted to make a lobby system for a game I’m working on (yes, I’m working on multiple projects at the same time). The lobby I want to go for is basically one of those Story/Horror games. Not like camping but where people step into an area, with either 1-4 people, and get teleported if enough players are there and after a set amount of time is over. Capiche?

I would appreciate any help with this, I’m not asking for an entire system to be built for me, I just need a push in the right direction


From what I see, you want something that will make a ReservedServer for a game. And it is like one of those games that will TP you to the place and you complete a story or whatever. So, I recommend you look into TeleportService. This will provide information on what you need. The two MAIN functions you will need are ReserveServer and TeleportToPrivateServer.

Ah so it’s just the same answer as a previous post i made hahah

thank you for clearing up though, now i know what i must do. Thanks!