I know how to make a camera and a strap but my main question is how do I make the neck strap follow the camera when the camera moves?
I know how to make a camera and a strap but my main question is how do I make the neck strap follow the camera when the camera moves?
Do you mean having the neck strap around the player’s neck, and when they move the camera (I’m guessing you are aiming it with a mouse?) the neck part stays around the neck but the straps connect the neck to the camera?
You could use RopeConstraints to make a visual strap, but it may clip into the player or their arms if it is too long.
You could use SpringConstraints to make a ‘rope’ type effect, but it’ll stretch between the neck sides and camera. Make the Radius of the spring 0, and the Thickness of the spring to whatever size suits you. Again, it’ll clip through the player too.
The other option could be to use a couple of Beams to join the ends of the neck part and the camera parts. Beams draw a Texture between 2 Attachments. This will clip through Parts as well.
Descriptions of all the above items and how they are used can be found on the create.roblox.com site.
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