How would i go about making a part follow a certain player,

Hi, this is my first post but i am making a game like Slap Battles but i am making something which requires the part to follow a player.

I could do this for
''local playername = script.Parent.Owner
local plr = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(playername.Value)

while true do
wait (0.1)
script.Parent.CFrame =

but wouldn’t it lag the game?

Please help, thanks alot!

Oh, uh i made it work now but theres one problem. It does not face the same way as the player, could anybody help please?

script.Parent.CFrame = plr.Torso.CFrame

Thank you so much but is there a way to change how it faces because right now it faces the player but it faces the opposite way.

Thank you so much though! :grin::grin:

Nevermind, i fixed it :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you though.

script.Parent.CFrame = plr.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(180),0)

Thank you so much, you are a real one!

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