Hello fellow developers! I have a question I need some answers on… QUESTS! I know this has already been posted many many times but I’ve read through the posted ones and none have answered my questions specifically. So, I’ll be listing them down here!
I am in a midst of making a quest system similar to the one in Bee Swarm simulator. I have the dialogues ready but I have encountered some problems with the quest giving, processing and rewarding.
After a player gets a quest, how can I keep track that the player has finished/ not finished the quest? For example, Collect 5 Apples, I thought of doing a check to see if the player has >5 apples then he/she gets rewarded but then I realised that that won’t work if the player already has 10 apples, or anything more than 5. The quest would be completed instantly. So, how do I track that a player has collected the certain amount required no matter how much of the item the player already has collected before?
Giving quests. I am able to give a quest if its just 1. But I do not know how to give it in progression, like Quest 1 then Quest 2 then Quest 3, and also how would I give out quests in random order? Like once the player talks to the NPC he/she gets Quest 10, then completes it and talks to the NPC again and now gets Quest 3?
How do daily quests work? I’ve tried to wrap my head around os.time for quite some time and I always cannot do something successful with it.
Lastly, how do I prevent a player from taking another quest if the player already has taken a quest from that same NPC?
I will be providing some of the tries I did trying to resolve these issues. (Problems 1,2 and 4 only)
Code for Problem 1: (Tracking Quests)
local Players = game:GetService("Players") -- My attempt at tracking quests
local Player = Players.LocalPlayer
local QuestModule = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.QuestModule)
local Apple = Player:WaitForChild("Stats"):WaitForChild("Apple")
local QuestLabel = script.Parent.Bar.AmountText
local QuestProgress = script.Parent.Bar.AmountNeeded
local onAppleChanged
onAppleChanged = Apple:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect(function()
if Apple.Value < 200 then
QuestLabel.Text = "Collect 200 Apples"
QuestLabel.Text = "Collect 200 Apples completed!"
local QuestComplete = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.QuestComplete
Code for Problem 2: (Giving Quests)
QuestServer.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, State)
if State == "Quest1" then -- My attempt at giving a single quest
local OneTaskQuest = script.QuestTemplateOne:Clone()
OneTaskQuest.Parent = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("UIs").QuestFrame.ActualFrame.Frames.ConcurrentQuestFrame
Player:FindFirstChild("Mage").Value = "Quest1Taken"
game.Workspace.Quest1.Mage.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = true
if State == "RandomQuest" then -- My attempt at giving random quests
for i,v in pairs(script.RQuests:GetChildren()) do
local Number = math.random(1,3)
if Number == 1 then
if v:FindFirstChild("Type").Value == "1" then
local OneTaskQuest = v:Clone()
OneTaskQuest.Parent = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("UIs").QuestFrame.ActualFrame.Frames.ConcurrentQuestFrame
OneTaskQuest.Visible = true
elseif Number == 2 then
if v:FindFirstChild("Type").Value == "2" then
local OneTaskQuest = v:Clone()
OneTaskQuest.Parent = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("UIs").QuestFrame.ActualFrame.Frames.ConcurrentQuestFrame
OneTaskQuest.Visible = true
elseif Number == 3 then
if v:FindFirstChild("Type").Value == "3" then
local OneTaskQuest = v:Clone()
OneTaskQuest.Parent = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("UIs").QuestFrame.ActualFrame.Frames.ConcurrentQuestFrame
OneTaskQuest.Visible = true
Code for Problem 4: (Preventing Players from taking quests repeatedly)
local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")
local ProximityPrompts = script["Proximity Prompts"]
local Settings = script.Settings
local proximityPrompts = {}
local connections = {}
local screenGuis = Settings.ScreenGuis:GetChildren()
local timeUntilDelete = Settings.Time.Value
local function getProximityPrompts()
for index, child in pairs(ProximityPrompts:GetChildren()) do
if child:IsA("ObjectValue") then
local prompt = child.Value
if prompt:IsA("ProximityPrompt") then
table.insert(proximityPrompts, prompt)
local function onTriggered(player)
local playerGui = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
if not playerGui then return end
if player:FindFirstChild("Mage").Value == "Quest1" then
script.Parent.Trevor.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false -- my attempt on preventing repeated quests
for index, screen in pairs(screenGuis) do
for index, child in pairs(playerGui:GetChildren()) do
local childCloneSource = child:FindFirstChild("CloneSource")
if childCloneSource then
if childCloneSource.Value == screen then
local newScreen = screen:Clone()
local cloneSource = Instance.new("ObjectValue")
cloneSource.Name = "CloneSource"
cloneSource.Value = screen
cloneSource.Parent = newScreen
newScreen.Parent = playerGui
--Debris:AddItem(newScreen, timeUntilDelete)
elseif player:FindFirstChild("Mage").Value == "Quest1Taken" then -- my attempt on preventing repeated quests
print("Already taken!")
if player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("UIs").QuestFrame.ActualFrame.Frames.ConcurrentQuestFrame:FindFirstChild("QuestTemplateOne"):FindFirstChild("Completed").Value == false then
print("Complete first!")
player:FindFirstChild("Mage").Value = "Quest2" -- giving player next quest
-- Code --
for index, prompt in ipairs(proximityPrompts) do
local connection = prompt.Triggered:Connect(onTriggered)
table.insert(connections, connection)
I really really hope I can get the problems resolved with your help. Thank you ALL!
~ I also have another post I need help on a Boosting/Bonus system you can check out!