How would I go about making a radar chart?

I want to create a radar chart to graph certain stats a player has, however while I know how to get stats I am confused as how to go about creating the actual chart with the stats. The other solutions aren’t as informative as I would have wished them to be.
This is an example of what I want to achieve:

I believe this game uses Viewport Frames but I’m not sure what they do to create that shape


You can just create it in a GFX application (photoshop is commonly used) and upload it as a decal. I assume the bars will be colored in depending on skill level, in which case you can just have multiple UIs one for each bar and just have it’s transparency set to 0 when you want the bar to appear or not.

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It seems you just need a outer hexagonal ImageLabel, 5 TextLabels and an inner hexagonal ImageLabel which represents the spread of stats.

You might want to look into making a system that would draw 2D triangles to get that fill, and to make the borders, drawing lines between the outer points of those triangles. What I would mean by this is, if you’re drawing the triangle for the Power stat, the first point would be the center of the chart, the second point would be however far out the stat is in the direction of Power, and then the third would be the same, but for the Speed stat instead.

As for how you may actually draw these triangles, this may be an incredibly useful resource for you to check out, and this post might also be a good resource to check out when you are exploring ways to draw lines.


Thank you!
afdkgm[sgsjhs[iphs (characters)

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