What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
Hello! I’m currently developing a Made in Abyss survival game, and would like to ask for help regarding how I could go about creating a rappelling system, where the player is able to attach a hook and rope on a cliffside (wherever the player reticle/mouse is, the hook will attach to), and allow them to either climb down the rope when they press down, or when allow them to slide down a certain distance whenever they press the jump button, which would push the player and the rope slightly farther from the wall, but brings them back to the wall after that short distance, akin to real life rappelling. This youtube video that I am sending shows what I mean by the jump slide. After the player stops climbing, the rope should despawn. -
What is the issue? Include enough details if possible!
I’m not sure how I would go about even starting the mechanic, once I have a good sample code for it, I’d be able to expand on it and incorporate it into my inventory system as well! So it’d be very helpful if I could get some examples, or recommendations on how I could start this. -
What solutions have you thought of so far?
None so far at the moment unfortunately, I have been searching and thinking for solutions for the past month but I haven’t been able to come across any.
Thank you in advanced for whoever chooses to respond and help!