How would I go about making a script so if a player sits in a (Vehicle seat, seat) all of their tools disappear until they stop sitting?

Hey, I am working on a FPS game about war.
I use ACS, and I want all of their guns to disappear until they stop sitting.

Would there be a way to do that without specifying a seat and making a script too complicated?



Yes, but it might be complicated.

this should be under scripting help not platform usage support.

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Thanks, I changed it.

Well then how would I go about doing it? I mean if you just say “Yes,” it doesn’t help that much. Not to be rude

StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)

use this to disable their backpack, and i guess make a script that detects when they sit down and then disable the backpack

this must be used in a LocalScript!!!

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The problem with that is I don’t know how to detect such a thing, that’s the whole reason I made this topic.

Sure, I could probably do the backpack thing but I don’t know how to detect such a thing.
I am no good scripter, I am a beginner.

You can make use of humanoid’s seated event and then you can unequip all the tools and disable backpack’s core gui.

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