How would i go about making an object count text?

I know this is probably really easy to do, but i unfortunately could not find what i’m looking for.

I am making a pet inventory and i was wondering how to make a pet counter, [example:“200 pets”] for the inventory that gets the children from the player pets folder.

Thank you for reading!

It is really easy to do, you just have to do something like this.

local PLAYER = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local PLAYER_PETS_FOLDER: Folder = PLAYER.PetsFolder -- change this to whereever your pet folder is
local LABEL: TextLabel = script.Parent -- change this to whereever your label is

local function updateLabel()
	local pet_amount = #PLAYER_PETS_FOLDER:GetChildren()
	LABEL.Text = string.format("%s pets", pet_amount)


Best regards,

Thank you so much! :ok_hand:I appreciate you for responding and giving me the solution, bye!

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