How would i go about making animated tank treads?

I’ve been working on various tank models for my game but have run across an issue. That being, I have no idea how to make tank tracks.

If you have knowledge on a method to making tank treads (preferably not one that drops fps by 80 per cent like hinge constraints do) then do let me know.

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You can try animated textures.
It also requires a script:

for _, treads in pairs(script.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
	if treads:IsA("Texture") then
		while true do -- idk how to detect if tank is moving so
			treads.OffsetStudsV = treads.OffsetStudsV + 0.05 -- if  its moving weirdly set it to offsetstudsU
			task.wait(0.05) -- reduce to make it faster
			if treads.OffsetStudsV >= 2 then 
				treads.OffsetStudsV = 0