How would I go about making flawless twists/curves?

I’m trying to find a way to achieve flawless/gapless curves/twists on pathways that look like this:

What would be the best way to achieve this?


I recommend using the Archimedes (v3) plugin, it’s quite useful for creating those “flawless” curves and whatnot. Simple to use and very effective.

Hope this helps.


I made this example with Archimedes. There is no option to avoid gaps when trying to make a twist like this


Then the best way to go about it is to learn to use blender. Unless you want to fill in all those gaps using wedges (not very efficient)


I know how to use Blender, tried importing roads just like these into Roblox and the collision detection for them is far too inconsistent for practical use, and yes I did use PreciseConvexDecomposition.

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Ah, excuse me, I didn’t realize you meant gapless curves!

If you have an issue with gaps, you could (while using the Archimedes plugin) use the GapFill plugin. It saves time and really doesn’t take much effort to use.

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GapFill does not really help in this scenario


Are you sure about this? I’ve tried importing a curve from Blender into Studio and had little to no issues with collisions. Maybe you used a different type of curve for your roads? Correct me if I’m mistaken, I’m just assuming here.


Thing is I’m using cars, so the collision must be 100% accurate all of the time, which was not the case for me

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use precise convex deformation, and make meshes for only parts of the road that will twist like that. the only other way to do this in roblox would be to entirely build it out of wedges acting as polygons in a 3d modelling software


You mean convex decomposition? Already did that, does not help much

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If collision isn’t 100% accurate for you, I’ll assume it’s because your road(s) are really large, try splitting them up into smaller sections.

Check out this interesting post for more info:

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Did that already, not consistent either


How about just spamming a single square of the twist to make a smooth road. One face SHOULD have perfect collision.

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This issue has been fixed.

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Clearly not considering I spent a full day trying to fix the issue myself and nothing helped

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This bug report is completely unrelated to the issue at hand in this thread. I’m not using PreciseConvexDecomposition for my roads, I’m using a custom collision solution to get around Roblox’s inability to provide us with exact collisions, which is what OP is struggling with here.

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