How would I go about making this Savefile / Character Customizer system?

How would I go about making a system described in this picture. I already have experience with utilizing DataStores, but I’m unsure on how I would send the savefile number across servers.

Are you trying to do this in seperate worlds? If so, TeleportService is your friend.

Otherwise, you’ll have to use a datastore with all three savefiles and save the one which is currentely selected. If there is no data, send them to the customization place. Else, send them to the main world.

By ‘separate worlds’ do you mean the places located in the asset manager that you can create?

Yeah lol, sorry for bad wording.

I mean a main menu place and a character customization place

Ok then I look more into TeleportService then. If I find anything on the documentation that’ll help me, I’ll make ya as the solution

Try this :^)

Alright yeah this’ll do! Thanks, have a good day or night!

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