Hello, I want to try to make my first VR game since I got my self one for chrismas. Yes I did look around and found some posts but they were mostly local based and not shown on the server. There was one for server but the problem was you had to use remote events which is still probably I need to use but cant figure out what augments to put in. Any help would be great so I can learn how to use VR stuff. Thanks.
I personally don’t have a lot of experience with VR related stuff but you can use remotes to replicate movement. Send any VR input from the client to the server. From there you can either update the hands on the server, or relay the updated hand data to every client for them to handle movement.
You could check out :SetNetworkOwner? I’m not super knowledgeable with it, however I am pretty sure it makes this possible. Users have network ownership of their own character so I assume it would work in a similar way.
You can read up on examples here:
I found out that you don’t actually need to use remote events or NetworkOwner.
Well that is if you’re using Align Positions and Align Orientations
I only have server code so I can add the constraints to the limbs
Physics also carry over to the server to!
Also I do not recommend you use NetworkOwner to replicate CFrames because it just does not work