How would I go about putting this into Parralel Luau?

I have a script in my game that loops through all living entities in each heartbeat, applying regeneration to values such as energy and health. I still don’t yet know how to do parralel lua so can someone simplify what I should do here? Like multiple actors, or just one, etc.

Basically you need a way to split up all of the entities so that each actor can handle it’s own pool of entities. You can schedule all the work before splitting the computation and just do some table balancing in serial before releasing the parallel code to grab tables to process.

Though it’s probably worth noting that just setting some values per entity might not be the best use of this. It can potentially speed it up, but you would probably need A LOT of entities before the difference isn’t negligible. This type of thing is better put towards the logic of these entities which is probably more taxing on the system.