How would I go about setting up survival leaderstats and adding one point to whoever survives a round?

I am working on a disaster game. Currently I do not know how to set up a leaderstats system. I need it to be where there is a leaderstat called “Survivals”, and another leaderstat called “Coins”. If someone survives the round, one survival gets added, and a set prize in coins, (the amount of which is different for each disaster.

The term “Gamemode” in the scripts in the image below refers to such disasters. Gamemode1, Gamemode2, Gamemode3, are just examples of the disasters, and the 0.1 (or 10%) is the rarity of the disaster happening. I would love it even more if someone could put an example of how this would be done in a script.

When a round starts put players inside of a table, as they die remove them from that table, when the round ends loop through that table and then give each player + 1 survival, and some coins
