Is that even possible? I’ve been searching it up, but all the answers are about Background Transparency (not what I’m looking for), so I thought I might as well post about it myself.
Yes, just tween the BackgroundTransparency property of Frames.
I said background transparency is not what I’m looking for.
Well there is no other transparency, so not sure what you want.
I want to tween the overall transparency of the frame, including every UI element inside it.
for example? Like tweening the frame and its descendants?
Yes! I want them to fade in and out.
You will have to tween the background transparency of the frame and all its descendants manually.
for i,v in ipairs(Frame:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("Frame") then
v.BackgroundTransparency = -- tween here
I believe this can help you
That’s disappointing. I thought Studio would have a feature this simple.
iterate through each descendant of the frame and tween their transparency properties.
@Puwgen Showed something called CanvasGroup. I never knew about that. It might be what you are looking for!
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