How would I go along and smooth this?

Hi! I have been working on my game for a while, and have come across something that has got me puzzled, and have no clue how to get around it.

The puzzling thing in question;

How would I make a negative union to make the square part circular like the rest?

An easier way to do this is by connecting to cylinders to a ball, which forms a right angle

Then I would just fill the empty space with a part (make sure their vertices are properly aligned for a seamless appearance)

Negating something like this is just tedious work.
Hope this helps.


There are better ways to do this, but as for just answering your question:

First, we clone the intended shape. We extend it fully through the model.

Now we create 1 part, which encompasses the part that we’d like to cut off, but doesn’t extend past that. We make it extra big in the axes that we want to chop off. I’m sorry if this makes little sense in text, but this is something that I understand intuitively.

Now cut the red off of the blue

And finally, cut the blue off of the part you want trimmed.

Then just recolor it to match.

Tada. You’re a wizard.

How does this work? Well, like I said, this is intuitive to me, but if I try to put it in words…
You can shape things in 2 ways. Additive, and subtractive. Most of the time we work with an additive workflow. We add geometry, until we get what we want.

If you, however, need a very specific shape which lines up (and still then, I would not recommend this method, but anyways), what you want to do is get a large cutter that encompasses your model, and then remove the specific shape from the cutter. That’s roughly it.


How can I let simple unions pass my mind :man_facepalming:

Thank you so much!! You gave my mind a major refresher, and I’ll def look back to this when I have a brain fart!

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