How would i go along making this camera system?

So, i was wondering how would i go about making this camera system like alone?

I’ve tried but it was a bit laggy so I scraped the whole thing.


If that was supposed to be a video. I can’t see it. I can only hear the audio.
The developer wiki has a good article for basic manipulation, and learning how to work with the camera.
Camera Manipulation Article

However, if you’re trying to go for a basic security camera system. All you need to do is change the CameraType to Scriptable and set the CFrame of the camera to the position of the security camera in workspace.

Was the video taken down? I can’t see your example.

Going off of MrLonley’s answer I would suggest doing the following:

  1. Create a ServerScript responsible for handling requests to update camera position from client via LocalScript.
  2. Create a LocalScript that can send signals to the server via MouseButton1Click or UserInput.
  3. Every time a signal is sent account for parameters: player sending signals, and camera position change
  4. Have an option reset camera by user choice

Sorry if you cant see the video, ill try to send a link.