How would I go and make a unique Main Menu like Arcane Odysessy?

Hey there! I want to make this very unique UI from Arcane Odysessy.

The main features that I want are that you can only customize form wiping or when you just create it. Once you load into the game, you cannot change it.

Here is the menu:

Please point me in the right direction(s). I have NO experience making menus.

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I think if you have no experience you should start small and then get higher of just commision it.
I dont think you should go here for how to make a ui like it because you should try to learn ui and figure it out.

If I were to commission it, how much do you think it would cost?

I dont know how much it goes for go to hidden devs and look at the prices people use or hire someone that posts their portfolio on there.

What is hidden devs? Is this the site? Scam Logs | Home

bro you have google search it up

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I searched it up and that is the first site that came up

its the discord server ive used it for doing commisions

oh, I cannot use discord - my parents have blocked it sadly. I guess I will have to use the talent hub?

w parents just get a place that allows porfolios for roblox

I apologize - I am ignorant in this field. I have always used GRP - until my parents blocked discord ofcourse! What other places allow portfolios?

the dev forum theres a whole category of it

Okay thank you! You have been such great help

What section do I post under? Do i do scripting support

You make a customization system and you save every propertie inside a hashtable. Moreover, you store that hashtable and if the player joins you check for any data and apply if it does exists.