I’m trying to make a part (for testing) raycast and it works but I can’t seem to figure out how can I make the ray spread out more so it can be like a actual field of view for the AI
If it wasn’t clear, I need help making this spread out so it doesn’t see the player in a straight line
local originPosition = script.Parent.Position
local direction = (script.Parent.CFrame.LookVector * 300)
local result = workspace:Raycast(originPosition,direction,rayParams)
if result then
print(“I already made the check here”)
Most performant - Use a slightly offset magnitude detection. (Ex humanoidrootpart position + half the FOV)
Probably worse - do the same thing but using the position of where the ray hit.
Least performant but should work perfect - make extra rays with little offsets.
How often would you be using said raycast? If multiple npcs are using said raycast at a 300 stud distance it could get very laggy. I’d recommend looking into this article and using a similar solution How would I go about making an AOE Cone Spell like in All Star Tower Defense
Use a dot product calculation to determine if said item(s) is/are with-in the fov of the AI
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