How Would I Go Getting The Offset Between 2 Parts?

Could Somebody Please Help Me?

Could Somebody Tell Me How Do I Make An Offset Between 2 Parts For Example

local PartA = player.Camera
local PartB = workspace.TestPart
– I want to know what is the offset between them

Subtract PartA’s position/cframe with PartB’s postion/cframe

(PartA.Position-PartB.Position).Magnitude will get you the distance between two parts.

However for the Camera, you will need to get the CFrame’s position, since I don’t think the Camera has a Position property. Like so:

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Why not just


That is exactly what I did - PartA is the camera.

I actually found a better solution
but i did not need the magnitude but its actually close enough to what your saying so ill mark it as a solution

PartA.CFrame:Inverse() * PartB.CFrame

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