How would I go on about creating an RPG game?


As you saw in the title, I want to start creating an RPG game, and I want to know how to start and finish it, It is an RPG with a story + open-world, almost like breath of the wild, right now I have 2-3 questions and here are the questions:

Should I even create an RPG game? I am not the best at game-designing at all, and the RPG genre might be over-used to others, will it also be worth it? I feel like this would take a lot of time, a lot of funds and the project might fail not only on the development side but on the “becoming succesful” side.

  • Yes.
  • No.

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How would I keep me and my dev-team motivated?

Right now I have only 22k funds, which is not enough, I want to know how would I keep my developer team organized and motivated to work atleast twice a week? Also how should I spend my funds if I start this project, should I spend most on ads or on the development team? (sorry if the questions seem stupid im not the smartes guy on the planet ;p)

And I think thats all the questions, I want to hear your opinion and such, and tell me if this post isn’t right for the forums or this category and if it isnt please just flag it, thanks for reading also sorry if I wasted your time :sweat_smile:.


RPG games take a LOT of dedication and skill, it takes a ton of time to make. When I was working on PocketBLOX (scrapped rpg by IcyTea), we had a spreadsheet with all of our large amount of ideas. You would need tons of stats for enemies, weapons, etc. and if you don’t know what you are doing it would not be worth it.

tl;dr unless you are insanely rich nah


A lot of time, work, and experience.
Along the way, you might run into issues with performance, gameplay complexities, and more. Start small with the basic gameplay (fighting enemies) to gauge how long development could take, if it’s even fun, and anything you should consider going forward.


Use this resource to help you make one! :slight_smile:

Chrythm’s RPG Kit (Free) - Resources / Community Resources - DevForum | Roblox


I get what you are saying here, but for the stats/ weapons and such I have already started making and figuring out balanced stats for now, but yes, it seems like a very hard task to even begin with, but I wont give up for now atleast, seeing im making a bit of progress.

are you able to build, script, animate, create graphics or hire those who can? if not, you might want to learn how

I can use blender well, can animate alright and am a gfx designer, I also know some programmers that might be around the budget, also can make some sort of 3d clothing, so I think I can atleast gather a dev team and go somewhere for now.

Good luck, I hope it just doesn’t end up as a loss.

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oof haha im reading the replies and damn. I’m trying to make a RPG with literally no funds, as a solo dev, and all the replies say I’m gonna need lots of money, so oof me.

not quitting or anything, but wow.

It’s probably going to be costly to hire others for an RPG, but if you’re a solo dev you’ll be fine.

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Im a bit confused. Why do people need funds to create a game? Is it just motivation? Or is it something like buying softwares or something

I have a decent understanding of RPG development,both solo and with others.
The bulk of what you’ll have to create is IDEAS.

Mainly but not limited to the following:

  • World’s uniqueness and utility of exploration.You mentioned your game is similar to that of Breath of the Wild,you’ll have to find something so that exploring is meaningful.In BotW you had weapon durability which was an incentive to explore as you were probably fighting everything you encountered.Or how Elden ring solved this problem by letting you gain special abilities that can be put on weapons earned by difficult encounters.

  • Style of combat. Do you want to go with stamina based combat or more akin to that of Hack and slash games which let you tackle multiple enemies at once,or even a combo based system.Keep in mind that since you are creating an RPG you need to get creative in enemy encounters.Sure you can reuse enemies but making them too similar might end up making players feel like they’re fighting the same monster just with different stats and or moves.

  • Items and general usage. What’s an RPG without interesting weapons or armour,or even magic abilities… depends solely on what you’d like.This is probably the easiest of the categories as you simply just have to think of weapons and perhaps you can give them some unique effects,exactly how BotW’s Fire weapons can emit fire when charged.

Once you are done with these it should be much easier in my opinion.
I recommend before doing anything with the funds is to create small projects by yourself or anyone who’d be willing to help for free.You’ll be testing ideas to see if they work or generally liked by the public.Of course this step is optional but it’s a great way to test if you are on the right path.

After you’re done with this you will eventually find more and more ideas as you go along and they shouldn’t be too difficult to create.