How would I go on making an Update Log alike the one in PSX or Clicker Simulator?

Hello folks! I was just continuing with my simulator and thought that I need an update log like Pet Simulator X or Clicker Simulator. So it says what I want it to say but mainly I want it to not show up another time a player joins in the game. Only once!!

I hope you can help me. Have a great day :smiley:
Regards, Flash!

#PrayForUkraine :ukraine:

  1. Create a Value inside the leaderstats folder (If you have it)
  2. Name the Value something like “UpdateLogStatus”
  3. Once the Player joins, You can load the Value and check if it is false or not.
  4. If it is false, You can set it to true and use a RemoteEvent to fire it to the Client. (Then you can connect it via RemoteEvent.OnClientEvent) Once fired to the Client, It shows the Update Log.

You may use ProfileService If you have alot of Values. It is also good for easily Storing, Updating and Saving Values.

Or else, If you already have your own DataStore System, You can just load it straight away from the DataStore.

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