Update Log in my Game | How would I do it?

Hello folks! I was just continuing with my simulator and thought that I need an update log like Pet Simulator X or Clicker Simulator. So it says what I want it to say but mainly I want it to not show up the next time the player joins in the game. Only once!! (Until next update).

I hope you can help me. Have a great day :smiley:
Regards, Flash!

#PrayForUkraine :ukraine:

You could save to a datastore whether the user has opened it. Use remote events to send the gui if the datastore value is false. Save a version id/number to check if the version update has been checked.

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Considering what @jees1 said, yes, you could make a boolean inside the player in a folder or something, and name it opened. Set it to false, but when a player clicks out of the GUI, send a remote value that says to make the opened value true, and save that. If the opened value is false, then make the GUI appear. If not, don’t make it appear.

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Uhm, its pretty simple. Just use a datastore for a value in replicatedstorage for example then use this code I guess.

If you want a gui for it then follow this tutorial:

Make a BoolValue inside of ReplicatedStorage (or in a folder where you keep your values) named HasShownLog.

Create a gui inside of starter gui named Log and design it how you want. Put the image or frame.Visible to false

Create a script inside of ServerScriptService, name it whatever you want (I would use “UpdateLogger”)

put this code:

local logDatastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("UpdateLogShown1") -- gets datastore and whenever you want a new update just change this to a different datastore
local hasShown = game.ReplicatedStorage.HasShownLog

	local logFrame = plr.PlayerGui.Log.Frame -- where it is
	local key = "user_"..plr.UserId -- player key
	local data = logDatastore:GetAsync(key) -- gets the data
	if key == false then -- this
		key = true -- yes
		logFrame.Visible = true -- you can add a ok button to close it or an X

then whenever you want a new update just change the datastore and the ui and you are done!

Dont forget to out mine as an answer!


You already posted the same topic like 1 week ago. Plus, That’s what you could try doing: How would I go on making an Update Log alike the one in PSX or Clicker Simulator? - #2 by MeCrunchAstroX

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Indeed but I didn’t understand it and Roblox deleted: ‘I don’t understand how all of this works. I am not a scripter really.’ Something like this was deleted.

But what is this part for? It isn’t used anymore in the script