How would I going about detecting if player is looking to sky or to ground?

Hello there, I would like to detect if player is looking to the sky or to the ground,

This maybe will include trigonometry but I don’t really know how could I do that.
If anyone know how can I do that please reply!

Maybe this could be want you want? Since the sky would be nil (I’m guessing or an actual skybox) you could do something like this in a LocalScript?

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local SkyPosition =, 100, 0)
local GroundPosition =, 0, 0)

    local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
    local SkyVector, SkyDetect = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(SkyPosition)
    local GroundVector, GroundDetect = Camera:WorldToViewportPoint(GroundPosition)
        if SkyDetect then
            print("The player is looking at the sky!")
        elseif GroundDetect then
            print("The player is looking at the ground!")
            print("The player is looking somewhere else!")

This is just a edgy example, but this is how you’d maybe do it