How would I grab a select amount of letters from a string?

Hello there,

I am trying to make a function that would grab a select amount of letters from a string. If you don’t get what I mean, let’s say we have the word DINOSAUR. The function will generate a random number from 1 to 3. For example, let’s say it generated 2. Then, I want it to grab 2 letters from DINOSAUR, so it can only grab DI, IN, NO, OS, SA, AU, UR

I have tried splitting the string into a table, but I don’t know where to go from there.
If anyone could help, that would be great.


local str = "Dinosaur"
local split = str:split("")
local rand = math.random(1,3)
local newstr = split[rand] .. split[rand+1]

First you start off with the base string, then split it to get all of the letters in a table, then pick the splits from a table

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local function Split(String, Amount)
	local Table = {}

	for Sub=1, #String, Amount do
		table.insert(Table, string.sub(String, Sub, Sub + 1))

	return Table

print(Split("Dinosaur", math.random(1, 3)))

Only picked Di, in, and no

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Quite buggy…

Once it did Di, no, sa, ur (NOT WANTED) and once it did DI, IN, NO, OS, SA, AU, UR, R. Notice the last lettter it gave me

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local function Split(String, Amount)
	local Table = {}

	for Sub=1, #String, 1 do
		table.insert(Table, string.sub(String, Sub, Sub + (Amount - 1)))

	return Table

print(Split("Dinosaur", 2))

is this the results you wanted

   ▼  {
    [1] = "Di",
    [2] = "in",
    [3] = "no",
    [4] = "os",
    [5] = "sa",
    [6] = "au",
    [7] = "ur",
    [8] = "r",
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No, but I managed to get what I wanted. If anyone needs the function here it is:

function generatePrompt()
	local selected
	local letters = math.random(1, 3)
		selected = dic[math.random(#dic)] --dic is an array of words
	until #selected > letters
	selected = string.split(selected, "")
	local start = math.random(1, (#selected - (letters - 1)))
	local prompt = selected[start]
	print(table.concat(selected, ""), letters, start)
	if letters == 1 then
		return prompt
	for i = 1, letters - 1 do
		prompt ..= selected[start + i]
	return prompt
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string.sub(str, start, end)


string.sub(str, start, start + n)  -- where n is the number of letters you need. 
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Didn’t you only want 3 chars?


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Why are these answers so long?

local str = "DINOSAUR"
local len = 2 -- length of piece to take from above string

local pos = math.random(#str - len + 1) -- picks a position in the string that isn't too far to the right. In this case, from 1 (position of D) to 7 (position of U), but not 8 (position of R, last letter)
local piece = string.sub(str, pos, pos + len - 1) -- extracts [len] consecutive letters from str, confident that pos+len-1 is within the length of the string
print(piece) -- DI, IN, NO, OS, SA, AU or UR, but not R or OSA or anything


local len = math.random(1, 3)
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The OP chose the longest answer instead of our short ones :man_shrugging:

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I said in the OP that I wanted to pick a random number from 1 to 3.
If you’ve ever played word bomb, you’ll understand why.

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I don’t know, but if it works, it works.
The answer I chose was one that I made up without thinking too much.

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However, your answer does work. Thank you for your help!

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