Hi! So I’m attempting to “group” colors together over a randomized map, where each color represents the tile’s fertility.
I’m attempting to create something like this:
Instead, I’m getting this:
My code:
local Colors = {
['Very Fertile'] = BrickColor.new('Earth green'),
['Fertile'] = BrickColor.new('Slime green'),
['Barren'] = BrickColor.new('Moss')
for i,v in pairs(workspace.Color2:GetChildren()) do
local RandomNumber = math.random(1, 3)
if RandomNumber == 3 then
v.BrickColor = Colors['Very Fertile']
elseif RandomNumber == 2 then
v.BrickColor = Colors['Fertile']
v.BrickColor = Colors['Barren']
Sorry for responding late, but I’m having trouble with this as well. I’ve had limited success using Perlin noise to generate clusters of colors with this code:
function PerlinColor(mod)
local parts = mod:GetChildren()
local posScale = 0.02
local noiseScale = 1.3
for i,v in ipairs(parts) do
local noiseVal = math.clamp(math.noise(v.Position.X*posScale, v.Position.Z*posScale), -1, 1)
noiseVal = noiseVal * noiseScale
local step
if noiseVal < -0.33 then
v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Earth green')
elseif noiseVal >= -0.33 and noiseVal < 0.33 then
v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Slime green')
v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Moss')
--v.Color = Color3.new( math.abs(noiseVal*noiseScale),math.abs(noiseVal*noiseScale),math.abs(noiseVal*noiseScale) )
You can play around with noiseScale and posScale to see if you can make it look nicer.
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That’s actually exactly what I’m looking for! That works great!
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I did notice it’s not exactly random- it does the same results each time it runs. Is this intentional, do I need to put math.random on the NoiseScale to make it more random?
I tinkered with your code and got much more desirable results.
local Colors = {
['Very Fertile'] = Color3.fromRGB(118, 153, 46),
['Fertile'] = Color3.fromRGB(173, 195, 55),
['Barren'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 226, 77)
while true do
local PosScale = (math.random(2, 10) * .01)--0.02
local NoiseScale = (math.random(10,20) * .1)--1.3
print('Noise: '..NoiseScale..'\nPos: '..PosScale)
for i,v in pairs(workspace.Color2:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA('BasePart') then
local NoiseVal = math.clamp(math.noise(v.Position.X*PosScale, v.Position.Z*PosScale), -1, 1)
NoiseVal = NoiseVal * NoiseScale
if NoiseVal < -0.33 then
v.Color = Colors['Very Fertile']
elseif NoiseVal >= -0.33 and NoiseVal < 0.33 then
v.Color = Colors['Fertile']
v.Color = Colors['Barren']
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Yes, my script uses math.noise from the math library, which always returns the same value for the same parameters.
This should be random:
function PerlinColor(mod)
local parts = mod:GetChildren()
local posScale = 0.02
local noiseScale = 1.3
local posRand = math.random() * 10
for i,v in ipairs(parts) do
local noiseVal = math.clamp(math.noise((v.Position.X*posScale)+posRand, (v.Position.Z*posScale)+posRand ), -1, 1)
noiseVal = noiseVal * noiseScale
--noiseVal += 0.1 + (math.random() * 0.1)
local step
if noiseVal < -0.33 then
v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Earth green')
elseif noiseVal >= -0.33 and noiseVal < 0.33 then
v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Slime green')
v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Moss')
--v.Color = Color3.new( math.abs(noiseVal*noiseScale),math.abs(noiseVal*noiseScale),math.abs(noiseVal*noiseScale) )
You can also uncomment the line starting with “–noiseVal +=” to get the edge pixellation effect present in your example picture.
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