How would I improve my item UI?

So, i designed an ui that you can equip items and use them (i didn’t coded it, just design) and i want you to show it. If you have recommendations about it, feel free to share it with me! :grin:

Item selecting: (bloxy cola is temporary)

Holding item:

Unholding item:


Great work so far! I like the grainy feel of the UI and the font you’ve chosen. I also love that you decided to color code the statistics of the item- green for low weight, and so on.

I would advise you to prioritize and emphasize the most important parts of the UI. This would entail removing anything redundant in order to help the user understand the interface faster at a glance.

  • Low weight and 0.2KG seem redundant. Perhaps pick one and eliminate the other.

  • Ability Boost is already implied by the running and jumping figures. Consider removing that text.

  • I would recommend you color code the remaining properties (Usable, Perceivable, Storable) For example, green could indicate a usable object whereas red could indicate an unusable object. I would also recommend line the properties up in a vertical line for ease of reading.

  • Consider making the “Bloxy Cola” text far larger, as it is paramount that the user know what item they are currently examining the properties of.

Once again, I love your work. Hope this helped!