How would I keep players in my game?

Hello, recently I made a minesweeper game and I would like to know what I should do or add to keep players in my game or just make it more fun in general before I advertise it.

I don’t think minesweeper is fun when it comes to the original game so that’s why I’m asking.

Here’s the game link:

I feel like the game’s page is also pretty boring so if you could please give me some ideas to improve it.

I’d really like to hear your feedback and ideas, please reply even if many people have already done so. :slightly_smiling_face:

(Yes, this is my 2nd post about this game but that’s because I know next to nothing about game design and this is my first time making an actual finished game. I’ll also make the skins purchasable with coins later on, because at the time they have no purpose. Private servers are free.)

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You can try adding daily rewards and challenges, but apart from that I doubt that you can make minesweeper any fun. You already added powerups and the only other feature you could add is like game modes or something.
Not all of your games are gonna succeed and you can’t really just add new stuff to make it succeed. Learn to move onto new projects even when what you consider a good game fails.


I already thought about adding that. I don’t want the game to be like popular popular, just around 10-50 CCU as it’s my first actual game. Look at blockerman’s minesweeper for example, it gets 100-200 CCU every day. I want atleast a half or a quarter of that. Do you think my game could get to that point?

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You can try advertising on social media or use ads to try and gain an audience. I don’t think people will really stumble upon your game randomly.

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I’ll try to advertise on social media as I don’t really trust ads, and a 3k robux budget for ads is pretty low.

(I mean, I could spend like 10k, but I don’t want to risk almost all of my robux)

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