As you see in the video below, it zooms in, your character switches and you are now the new character. But as you can see, the camera rotation stays at the same angle. As it zooms in at the front of your head, but zooms out at the back of it.
How would I make it so that the Camera would rotate according to the new character? So for example, if camera zoomed into the face, how would i make it unzoom from the face if the new character has been rotated?
I tried to use :ToObjectSpace() but It didn’t seem to work or I just did it wrong (Horrible at CFrame, guilty) The code I tried is below.
local CameraCFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(Player.Character.Head.CFrame)
workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = NewCharacter.Head.CFrame * CameraCFrame