Getting the covid shot today, so i may not respond instantly. I am trying to achieve a locked server sort of effect, where if you join mid round you get kicked. Kinda like that one horror game that is infinite hallways or whatever. How would i do this?
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you can use a bool value to determine if round is running
if game.Workspace.Round.Value == true then
--idk script here?
idk if I understood it right cause I never played those games but here I guess?
if game.Workspace.Round.Value == true then
Player:Kick("You Joined while round is on-going")
--this would go in a script in the workspace.
--first you'd establish a time to wait.
local timeToWait = 100 --100 seconds.
--then you'd begin the rest of the script.
for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
player:Kick("Server time is up.")
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Yea that looks quite decent. I guess it should work.
Try using game.Players:GetPlayers()
that looks more cleaner if you’re getting the players.
From what i know this will prob work, let me test it rn
oh wait i completely misread the title LMFAO
Make sure to add an Bool Instance in Workspace or wherever you want
Yea it also confused me cause his description is different
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yeah, and in it you can put a script to enable it after time like
wait(30) script.Parent.Value = true
--this would go in a script in the workspace.
--first you'd establish a time to wait.
local Value = --define bool value here
--then you'd begin the rest of the script.
repeat wait() until Value.Value == true
for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
player:Kick("Server time is up.")
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edited my past script lol, it wasnt correct according to your description.