How would i kit the players on a team by clicking a button?

So, im trying to make a button that when is clicked and a value is setted to the kit name u selected, the players of that specific team would have the clothes of the kit you’ve selected.
the problem is, i tried doing it by firing a remote event when the button is clicked but it doesnt work, i tried doing it by just using the local script and it works but since the local script is client sided only you can see the player that have clothes meanwhile others can’t.
and now im trying doing on a serverscrpt but it still wont work.
here how i made it
serverscript inside the button:

        local value = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.TeamKit.AwayTeam.AwayValueKit
        for i,v in pairs(game.Teams.Away:GetPlayers()) do
        if value.Value == "Raimon Kit" then
        v.Character:FindFirstChild("Pants").PantsTemplate = --asset id
        v.Character:FindFirstChild("Shirt").ShirtTemplate = --asset id
        elseif value.Value == "Royal Kit" then
        v.Character:FindFirstChild("Pants").PantsTemplate = --asset id
        v.Character:FindFirstChild("Shirt").ShirtTemplate = --asset id
         --elseif value.Value == "Occult Kit" then, and so on with the kits

I would really appreciate those who could help me

You have to use a remote event or remote function, code it again (or go back if you still have it) and keep me updated if it doesn’t work again.

EDIT: Also don’t use elseifs like that, it can always be replaced by a dictionary/table for better readability, here’s how you would use a dictionary instead of elseifs for your case:

local kits = {
	["Raimon Kit"] = {
		ShirtId = "rbxassetid://1",
		PantsId = "rbxassetid://2",
	["Royal Kit"] = {
		ShirtId = "rbxassetid://3",
		PantsId = "rbxassetid://4",

local function equipKit(char, kitName)
	local kitInfo = kits[kitName]
	if not kitInfo then --no kit under that name
		warn("No kit found")
		return --return to stop the function
	local currentShirt = char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Shirt") --let's instead check for the class name just to be sure
	local currentPants = char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Pants")
	if not currentShirt then --does the character not have a shirt equipped?	
		currentShirt ="Shirt") --lets give him a shirt instance then
		currentShirt.Parent = char
	if not currentPants then --does the character not have pants equipped?
		currentPants ="Pants") --let's give him a pants instance then
		currentPants.Parent = char
	currentShirt.ShirtTemplate = kitInfo.ShirtId
	currentShirt.PantsTemplate = kitInfo.PantsId

so after i did this function ill use it on a remote event and then i just need to fire it on the local script inside of the button?

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Yes, i’ll help you if it doesn’t work again.

alright thanks ill keep u updated if it does work or not

So far i did the function that u did and added this

remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, KitName)
local kit = kits[KitName]
equipKit(Player.character, kit)

And then in the local script inside the button:

local remote = game:GetService("Replicated Storage"):WaitForChild("Events").Kit
local value = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.TeamKit.AwayKit.KitValue
for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
local char = v.Character or v.CharacterAdded:Wait()
if v.Team.Name == "Away" then
if value.Value == "Raimon Kit" then
remote:FireServer(char, "Raimon Kit")
elseif value.Value == "Royal Kit" then
remote:FireServer(char, "Royal Kit")

ill test in a bit bc i needed to so something else but is this good so far in ur opinion?