How would I know how many players are in a server

I’m making a script that if there’s a certain amount of player in the server a certain thing will happen.

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local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)

while task.wait(Amount of time) do
local playersCount
local playersTable = players:GetPlayers()
for i = 1, #playersTable do
playersCount += 1
if playersCount > 5 then
some functions
playersCount = nil

With > 5 was just example, you can do anything

You can use a simple “GetPlayers” method, which will return all players in a table.

local plrs = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()


    plrs = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()
    local plrsInServer = #plrs


We use #plrs because #myTable returns the number of values in that table.

local certainNumberOfPlayers = 10
if certainNumberOfPlayers == #game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() then
    print("There are 10 players here!")
    -- do your event