How would I make a 2x cash gamepass?

I had an idea to make a useless pass into somegamepass that gives you 2 times cash,
for example, I win and get 10 cash, if I own this pass i get 20 cash, But how would I do that?

You could use the marketplace service to check if they have the gamepass, here is how you would have it:

local ms = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local haspass = ms:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(userid, gamepassid)

userid can be gotten using Player.Userid
and insert your double cash gamepass for gamepassid

Then to multiply the reward by two you could do

if haspass then
    reward *= 2

wait im confused, where and how would i insert this?

this is the script that gives a team cash

			local Amount = 10
			local DesiredTeam = Teams:FindFirstChild("White Team")
		for _,child in pairs(DesiredTeam:GetPlayers()) do
			child.leaderstats.Cash.Value += Amount

amount is basically reward.

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Define marketplace service at the top of your script:

local ms = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

This is how you would add it to what your code

local DesiredTeam = Teams:FindFirstChild("White Team")
for _, player in pairs(DesiredTeam:GetPlayers()) do
	local reward = 10
	local haspass = ms:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, 0) --make sure to change the gamepass id to your gamepass
	if haspass then
	    reward *= 2
	child.leaderstats.Cash.Value += Amount

IT WORKED!!! :smile:
thanks for your help!