How would I make a among us wire system?

So I’m tryna make a frame for example a red frame then you can drag it to the other side of the red frame. How would I do that?

You have 4 small squares on left side, each of different color and sorted randomly (maybe use tables here), but has a pair on the opposite side of the frame (also positioned randomly). When one of these squares is clicked (left side), an instance is created (it can be a part or some other form that could connect two parts visually, like a beam), that takes chosen square’s color property and applies it to itself. One end of this beam (suppose we chose this option) is connected to the square, and the other one is connected to mouse cursor (it’s CFrame property). So when mouse’s location on screen (we might use magnitude) is close enough to square’s pair on the other side (let’s name it square2), beam’s other end “jumps” to square2’s CFrame.
You can play with beam’s properties, like form a curve etc. You can read about beams here:

And about CFrames, tables and mouse from the same source.

Later you can include camera manipulation (there are some tutorials in this forum, but there is also a short article on Roblox Dev Hub about it). Should you choose to implement camera manipulation, don’t forget to add buttons that enable player to exit wiring task without finishing it (since that is an option in original Among Us game). That reset’s their camera as well as all the beams.
If the player, after connecting all the squares together, didn’t succeed at finding pairs (for example connected green square to the blue one), then “board” or “frame” automatically reset, but camera (in case it is being “manipulated”), stays in the same spot.

Any concept improvements are welcome! This is just an idea of how it could work, just in theory.

If you explain this task step by step, it is not so confusing at all.
Hope this helps! :slightly_smiling_face:


What @DevTestDummy works but if you want to do it full UI then you need trigonometry. It’s very simple but still requires basic knowledge of cosine and sine, and the inverted functions. If you’re interested I can explain you how I made something similar


That’s a good idea! Yes, you have numerous ways to crate this and really depends on developer’s choice. So as I see it, you have at least three options now. You can make it 3D (first option, you can also add an arm, so that it seems like you are holding the wires and connecting them) or you can use GUIs, like @AvionicScript suggested. One way is to make an interactive screen GUI (when player clicks the button in game, it opens with the task), or you can make some kind of an interactive surface GUI (can also make it feel three-dimensional), which you can put on different surfaces and objects.

Just saw this, and I was looking through on how to make this, can you give me a explanation on how I could get by doing this with trigonometry?