How would I make a CCTV Display?

How would I make a TV display a live camera feed from a part within my game? It’s meant to act as a tv. Is this possible? Thanks.

You would want to get all parts in view of the camera and update them to a viewport frame to whatever refresh rate you want


Be aware that this method might cause lag. If I needed a CCTV camera, I would’ve just set the player’s camera to the camera brick.

That would be the usual method, but it doesnt make too much differance due to the render zones of both the humanoid and camera. (Area around the humanoid and camera are both loaded as chars can still die or get moved client sided while the camera is elsewhere)

The main thing I would say is to make sure you only display the camera feed when a player is in the vicinity and to find a refresh rate that doesnt cause issues.

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