How would I make a chat tag for each role in my Roblox group using TextChatService?

I want every player with the role “dev” in my Roblox group have the chat tag “dev”, for example.

The problem is, every single tutorial and Forum post I’ve found is made for LegacyChatService. My game uses the TextChatService and I wanna keep it that way, but have the chat tags as well.

Here is the script I currently use which is meant for LegacyChatService:

local group_id = 35257880
	if player:IsInGroup(group_id) then
		local tags = {
				TagText = (player:GetRoleInGroup(group_id)),
				TagColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 125, 0)
		local ChatService = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService"):WaitForChild("ChatServiceRunner").ChatService)
		local speaker = nil
		while speaker == nil do
			speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(player.Name)
			if speaker~= nil then break end
		speaker:SetExtraData("ChatColor",Color3.fromRGB(255, 175, 50))

Any help would be really appreciated as I’m already late with this update in my game.

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A little bit of searching and here you go!

I’ve read through the article and say the VIP tag section, but the media does not exist for some reason. Any other recommendations?

For chat tags with TextChatService, you need to return a TextChatMessageProperties instance from TextChatService.OnIncomingMessage. You could set an attribute on the server to show their rank in group.

local reference = {"Owner", "Developer", "Member"}

local rank = player:GetRankInGroup(groupId) --this returns the rank number of their rank
player:SetAttribute("grprank", reference)
--now to the client
local tcs = game:GetService("TextChatService")
local players = game:GetService("Players")

tcs.OnIncomingMessage = function(msg: TextChatMessage): TextChatMessageProperties
    --create the properties
    local prop ="TextChatMessageProperties")
    --check for player
    local player = msg.TextSource and players:GetPlayerByUserId(message.TextSource.UserId)

    if player then
        --retrieve rank
        local rank = player:GetAttribute("grprank")
        --now, you can modify prop.PrefixText, prop.Text using this if you want

    return prop --return the properties for the message

will this show up in every player’s chat? i saw a tutorial using this a while ago, but it only showed on the person who had the tag’s client.

Since this runs on the client, it’ll only show up for that client, but since every client has it, it should show up for everyone.

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