HOW would I make a cosmic clone from mario galaxy?

I made a post like this already, but it got taken down because it looked like I was asking for someone to make the script for me. That wasn’t what I was going for, so I’m making another post which will basically be a fixed version of what I was saying in the original post.

I want to make a bot that copies the players every move (running, jumping, flying, ect). Now I’m not asking for someone to just give me the script. I’m asking for something I should learn or research in order to have an understanding on how to make this.

I want to make something like this:

at 0:11 in this video, a bot appears and chases after the player. The bot copies everything he does while following him. I’m gonna say this again, I’M NOT ASKING FOR SOMEONE TO MAKE THE SCRIPT FOR ME (although that would be pretty nice, BUT STILL!)!!! I’m asking on what I should learn/research in order to get a better understanding on what I can do to make this. I hope a random moderator doesn’t see this as breaking the rules