How would I make a "Create A" game

Hello :wave:

I am wanting to make a game like “Create a cart ride” and “Create a obby” game. When wanting to allow players to create their own “Place” how would I do this? I would use Reserve Servers?

If anyone could help me that would be great!


Well, I believe this is a very broad question to ask here, and the main purpose would be to help you with something more specific – related to scripting.

Yet, I can give you some suggestions on how you can do this, but I must say it’s not a very simple kind of game to make, and will require lots of research and patience to make. But it’s totally possible!

Here’s what I can think of:

  1. Create a reserved server where the player can create their map (build & edit)
  2. For that you’ll need a building system, preferably one that’s limited to some sort of grid.
  3. After that, you’ll have to make a system to save the player’s creation using DataStoreService or perhaps GlobalDataStore
  4. Have some kind of sharing system, which players can share their creations, have some kind of top creations’ leaderboard, etc.
  5. Lastly, have some sort of punctuation/level system to engage players, so completing other people’s maps will reward points that will grant rewards – perhaps adding unlockable structures to build your maps…
  6. Add gamepasses, and developer products! If you’re taking your time to develop the game, why can’t you earn for your efforts, right? This could be customizing blocks/structures, exclusive items/boosters, anything you can think of that would appeal for the players.

Note: keep in mind this is a very generic, and there are many ways you can make things. I just gave you a few suggestions on how to start, or at least visualize how to build each individual component of your game.

Where to Find Resources?

  • Youtube: lots of great tutorials, and step-by-step videos
  • Devforum: most of the time someone else already had the same, or a similar, problem as yours
  • Artificial Intelligence: AI is evolving rapidly, and it can help you a lot! There is no issue at all in asking it for help, but you must be critical in using its answers – because they might not always be correct!
  • Google: very straight forward, it has all kinds of information, if you use it correctly you can find many things to help you (articles, algorithms, modules, etc.)

If you are really keen in making it happen you can definitely do it, hopefully this can help you understand how to proceed,

Best of luck!