I am trying to make a custom inventory, but do not know where to start.
I already have a thing where it opens the inventory, but I do not know how to make it work.
Example of what it would look like
Please help. Thank you for reading.
I am trying to make a custom inventory, but do not know where to start.
I already have a thing where it opens the inventory, but I do not know how to make it work.
Please help. Thank you for reading.
To make a tool equip just basically move that tool parent from Player’s backpack to Player’s Character.
Use UserInputService
to detect whenever the number key is pressed,
You can use ChildAdded
to check whenever a tool is added in backpack.
check if tool is in backpack or in character, if its in character just change the background color to indicate that the tool is equipped.
If tool cant be find in backpack or character then remove it from the GUI.
I will go test this out in studio.
It works.
Thank you for helping.