How would I make a custom R6 Rig?

I’m currently trying to make a game where the StarterCharacter is sort of like a special type of R6 rig, yet I have no idea how to do it. A custom StarterCharacter Model. If you have any good videos for this, please do reply it below.


Yup, theres many vids on youtube if you search roblox custom character.
Its not complicated to find many. I found useful using that plugin “EditRig, RigEdit” to create any kind of character, then just put it inside StarterCharacter to be replaced

Going to be using this:

Let’s say I want to be this part:

First, create an invisible HumanoidRootPart (I’m going to make it 0.9 transparency and hot pink just for the sake of this explanation)
The HumanoidRootPart can be any size, and as far or as close to the character as you want, however controls may mess up depending on how far your HRP is from the main character

HumanoidRootPart’s name can be anything, but I’m just gonna keep it as ‘Part’ for simplicity’s sake. You’re now going to group the parts.
While you’re at it, you could assign unique names to each of the parts if you’re planning on animating it later.

Now, set the new model’s PrimaryPart to the pink part, and add a humanoid.

Now, select the character model, and then open RigEdit Lite.

First, select your HRP, and then select the other parts in any order. It should put a number over each of the parts:

Now, on RigEdit Lite, press ‘Create Joints’

Capture d’écran, le 2020-11-15 à 23.16.04

Your model should now have some draggers, you can realign them, it just moves the position of the joints.

Now, when a player joins, you can set their Character to this model. Ensure you do this in a server script, I would put it in ServerScriptService.

local character = workspace.Character -- wherever your character model is

    local character = character:Clone()
    character.Name = player.Name -- ensure you do this BEFORE assigning to the player. Name can't be changed after assignment is complete.
    player.Character = character
    character.Parent = workspace
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never expected such a detailed reply, thanks man!

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oh wait sorry, i posted that comment before i actually tested it out. sorry. i have one problem, doesnt work. i created the joints, it said i created the joints and it doesnt work. do the parts need to be anchored? i used the same example model you used, i just created to parts and created joints

Changed to #help-and-feedback:art-design-support, due to its topic being related to rigging.