i wanna preface this with saying i have no experience with constraints in terms of making vehicles. the closest my experience gets is the VERY old way of making cars on ROBLOX: slapping wheels with hinges on the side of a center part where VehicleSeat sits on.
i’m very aware that VehicleSeat isn’t good for driving, as it’s buggy and awkward, but i don’t even know how to make something drivable. i want it to react to the world with physics, stand upright, go up slopes. basic vehicle stuff.
the way i’ve had it set up was like this: a seat welded to a MeshPart (see image)
however, like i said, i got no idea how to set up constraints and whatnot. i’ve messed around partially with AlignOrientation and AlignPosition in terms of scripting, but it wasn’t getting me much anywhere.
any help would be massively appreciated!!