How would I make a effect like this



what effect
(Character limit )

like do you see how everything is grey but the character isn’t

The image quality is kinda bad so I can’t really tell the difference. I think you can use ColorCorrectionEffect and the contrast property to create a effect like this. (Also what’s the game? I’m going to test it)

well the game is private I just got the image off a YouTube video( I thought it was Color Correction but I don’t know how to make it so a part is ineffective by it.)

You can use viewportframe (a GUI element) to create this highlight effect. Clone the character and set the CFrames of the clone (in playergui) as the cframes of the character.

This post is also trying to achieve what you are:


thanks so much I needed it for a combat game that shows bones breaking


I set the CFrame of the part to the head but the offset is wrong.
the code:

nevermind figured it out thanks for the help

Got a model? Because it didnt work for me D: