I do not really script/program, so I was wondering if anyone can tell or teach me how to make a
Forced Max Graphics Script.
You cannot do this, Roblox automatically optimizes graphics. If you force max graphics, some users with low-tier PCs will instant crash. This is why Roblox does this for you, and the player can manually toggle their graphics.
Oh, Okay. Ty for letting me know.
I don’t recommend this, but you can actually force people to use max graphics. There’s some setting you can read (I think it’s called EditQualityLevel?), and if it’s not high enough, you can show a GUI or something asking the player to bring up their quality.
I made a model that uses that method a looong time ago. You can look through it for an example. No idea if it still works:
Good luck.
RenderSettings.EditQualityLevel is for Studio. UserGameSettings.SavedQualityLevel is for games.