I want to make a strategy board game on Roblox called Squared, the issue is, I have no idea on how Im going to make a game loop, and make it possible to check the amount of players to start it and automatically end a match if their is 1 player left.
To check the amount of players :
Use #game.Players:GetPlayers()
To end a match if there is only 1 player left :
Use something like this : if #game.Players:GetPlayers() == 1 then...
This has nothing to do with the title. He’s/She’s trying to detect if their only is one player left standing. In your case you’re trying to find the all the players, not matter if they won. Although I be may wrong.
I concluded from here, I gave him the basic idea of it
Like this?
local Players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
while true do
if #Players == 4 then
You probably want to start something once 4 players join like so
local Players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
-- create our event which signals the game has started
local startgame = Instance.new("BindableEvent")
Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player: Player) -- when a player joins run this function
if #Players == 4 then
-- we have 4 players! firing this event takes us to the next function at 'startgame.Event'
-- anytime we call 'startgame:Fire()' we land here, the game has started!
-- prepare the game board and the players. we could loop after this point too.
print("Game has started!")
Using bindable events will be very useful, while true
is almost always a bad idea and without a wait()
call it will break your server by eating up all the CPU time! Using the PlayerAdded Event means the server only checks how many players there are after a new player joins
It shouldn’t be that way, this is because the game needs to automatically end after their is 1 player and the match is still going.
Can you also add comments in the script? its confusing.
I wouldn’t recommend programming your game this way, but you could extend my previous example (now with some comments) to loop until there is one player like this.
while #Players > 1 do
print("Game code running!")
task.wait() -- must wait, roblox will kill the server if it's looping without stopping
Here’s some pseudocode to get you started. Use a while true loop for the actual game loop.
Create a table called playersInGame
When the game starts
(start your game process)
For every player in the game, insert their username in the table called playersInGame
When a player dies, remove their username from playersInGame
If the length of playersInGame == 1 then end the game and reward the player
My game wont have players dying., their are 50 turns, and each turn, the players can use their cards, or put down factories in a available area.
After the 50 turns, whoever gets the most points that come from their factories, win.