How would I make a Generation System using rows and columns

I want to create a Generation System using pre-made models while using rows and columns values to control the size. What should I use to create this?

What you want to do is create a pseudo bit map grid where in a sense it’s a dictionary with 1 having a model. From there the dictionary should contain data about that model (see serialization)

Im a bit confused (and never worked on map generation before…), can you show me an example?

heheh no spoonfeed. ill show a general synapsis thou

local data = {}

local function dataInit()
  for x = 1,10 do
    for z = 1,10 do
      data[tostring(x).."x"..tostring(z)] = {}

I think I can make out a bit of it.

Is there any forums that can help?

Figured it out, thanks for helping.