Title ^, I’m gonna make animations for punches, how would I make hitboxes and make it do damage on touch?
It’s very confusing, could I get an explanation?
Put a local script in starterpack, write a function that detects mouseclicks and run a remote event when clicked. Get the event, clone your hitbox and put a script into that hitbox for touched.
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClickHitbox
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClickHitbox
-- Any ideas on what is next?
Sorry, I’m pretty new to scripting
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClickHitbox
remote.OnServerEvent(function(player, ClickHitbox)
local HitBox = locationOfTheHitbox:Clone()
HitBox.Parent = player.Character
HitBox.CFrame = ...
-- u continue
Where would I find the hitbox, by the way?, Like, a transparent part?
You could either create a part instance and put it transparent or just clone one.
local part = Instance.new("Part")
part.Name = Hitbox
part.Transparency = 1
part.Parent = --path
So, like this? (This is in the serverscript)
local part = Instance.new("Part")
part.Name = "Hitbox"
part.Transparency = 1
part.Size = ...
part.CFrame = ...
part.Parent = --path
Sorry for the late reply. Alright, I’ve finished the animation and I think I set the part’s parent to RightArm?
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.ClickHitbox
remote.OnServerEvent(function(player, ClickHitbox)
local part = Instance.new("Part")
part.Name = "Hitbox"
part.Transparency = 1
part.Size = ...
part.CFrame = ...
part.Parent = player.Character.RightArm
Not sure how I would set the size and CFrame though, to tune it with this kind of animation.
Any help?
Would I put it inside the arm, and make it stick out a little bit?
Forgot edit exists, sorry for the bump.
Either way, I’m still pretty new to scripting and need some help.