How would i make a ladder like hl2?

I have a custom character controller (wich doesnt have normal roblox climbing features bc i feel they suck) and ive been thinking on how making a ladder like the hl or hl2 ones but the best idea i got so far is anchoring the character when touching one and move the cframes up smoothly idk though

In hl they work by whether you are “pushing” or “pulling” against the ladder while on it. So if you walk towards a ladder while on it you go up instead of sideways at all. You do need a way to decide when a player is still on it though, you can check if they are in radius of a ladder and off the ground for that.

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I see though how would i pull the player up and down while on the ladder?

I don’t know, I’d try a velocity constraint.

the thing is the player wont stay still when stopping movement he would just fall

If you set the target velocity to zero it will hold them. I do this for my space games.

Oh allright ill try then thank you so much if i manage to do it ill give you the solution thingy

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