How would I make a low poly building easily?

I want to learn how to make a low poly shop for a beach game. Can anyone help me find a place to start?

Some examples of what I want to learn how to make:
Screen Shot 2021-03-21 at 9.56.26 PM

Screen Shot 2021-03-21 at 9.56.16 PM

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Basically, you have to work on breaking buildings down to the simplest of shapes. What I mean, the main building is made of a cube, the windows could be made from triangles. Then just take your time to add more details if necessary. Give it a smooth plastic material with saturated colours to give it a low poly feel. Also, blender can be very useful in easily creating low poly builds if you take the time to learn it. All in all, it isn’t very complicated, but you have to be willing to take the time to play around with different styles and hopefully get near the results you desire at some point. :slight_smile: Hope this helped!


If you know how to make things in Blender I would go that route and export the files as an OBJ and just insert it as a mesh. But if you want to do this through Roblox Studio I would recommend watching your part count. Low Poly is supposed to be minimalistic so whenever I build in the style I try and use a big block of parts.
Ex: For the frame of a house I would use one part that was scaled up rather than 4 separate parts for the walls

There are also several low-poly building tutorials on Youtube so if you need more help I would recommend checking those out.

Happy Building!

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Low poly, by definition, means a low face count. Make a regular building in studio or your preferred modeling software, then, if you’re on blender, add a decimate modifier and/or a subdivision modifier.


I don’t really have a lot of advice on this topic mostly cause I don’t build low poly stuff. But you can you sue blender or use less shapes but try to make it look like what you are trying to build.

Blender is an recommend software for designing cartoony buildings as low poly just refers to using a low amount of polygons an easy option is you can use Roblox studio this can be created with: “smooth plastic vibrant colors and proper lighting” to make the colors pop.

As there has been a few topics related to this question I’m sure with a bit of research-on your own you will find thousands of tutorials for creating this specific theme inside a software. You can achieve this design with or without a modeling program.

Here is a previous discussed thread that goes into more depth about this. Refer;

First create the building. Add a piece and size it. Then make awnings with the “Kama” piece. Select and size the glass material for the windows. Then beautify the glass edge with marble.
You can try sample models for plants or “Mesh”.
Hope I can help :slight_smile:

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I personally would just start off with base parts and then gradually detail the build part by part.