How would i make a morph gui script

How would i make a script that would take a model(r6) from replicated storage and copy the parts towards the players model while making the current players model invisible so that the new parts show and act like the old parts.

I have tried making many scripts but none work exactly how i would like it to work


This will give you a better understanding towards what exactly you are trying to do! Always search on YouTube :slight_smile:

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–This is a script inside a TextButton (not local)


local player = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent

local char = player.Character

local morph = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”):FindFirstChild(“InsertMorphNameHere”)

local morphclone = morph:Clone()

local hrp = char:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”)

local morphhrp = morphclone:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”)

morphhrp.CFrame = hrp.CFrame

morphclone.Name = player.Name

player.Character = morphclone

morphclone.Parent = workspace


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This is random but please use ``` for code blocks so the code is more readable.

Code block

one question, would this copy the morph parts and make them move with the player’s original parts? i saw somewhere that someone used weld constraints but it never worked for me.

this entirely replaces the player’s character with a new character that you store in serverstorage.

Sorry for the late reply but I’m using a camera system that tracks a part created and welded to the humanoid root part for all players. right whenever I spawn the camera glitches out for a second because the clone part is being created and welded for the morph clone so there are two parts for the same player is there any way I could fix this?(sorry for the bad grammar)